nico’s blog

I don't know what to blog about today

I said to myself I would do WeblogPoMo, so I feel like I should do a blog post.

Today, though, I don't feel like I have anything positive to say, and anything I can write about is just going to come off negative and incite argument. My room is a toasty 73F inside today since that stupid sun came out, and I'm hot, didn't get a good night's sleep, and I'm oddly irritated by the smallest things. I prefer an overcast day in the 50s and a nice windy breeze ruffling the trees, or better yet some snow and storms.

My brother is going into the hospital for a biopsy, or some sort of surgery, and although it's probably fine, when was ever going into a hospital not stressful?

Today's blog post serves as a bit of a rant, I suppose, but I don't think going on would be positive. On the other hand, I'm going to try and knock out Mr. Decimal's Johnny.Decimal course today.


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