nico’s blog

A Star Wars Conspiracy Theory about the Bad Batch

Hey, everyone. May the 4th be with you. I just recently finished watching the Bad Batch final season(3), and I have a lot of thoughts that gotta go somewhere.

Let me preface this theory by stating that Dave Filoni, bless his soul, usually either drives his shows towards patching up the movies, or doing something new. Clone Wars explores Anakin's backstory, improves on Jar Jar Binks and the Clones, and ultimately significantly improves the prequels. Rebels and Ahsoka is something new, exploring the edges of the galaxy, and filling out the extended universe. Book of Boba Fett improves on everyone's favorite bounty hunter, and we've had more Mandalorian lore in almost every show - Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian, BoBF, etc.

So, in that vein, the Bad Batch serves to patch up the sequel trilogy. Except, it doesn't. My theory is that they removed a significant amount of lore from the finale and rewrote much of the show before its release.

Let's consider two things before we continue:

A "Chekov's Gun" is when a show or movie shows you something on screen, it must be used. They show you the gun in the drawer, the gun must be used to shoot someone.

The second thing is basically the first, but consider that in an animated show, Chekov's gun counts double. Every frame of the show was animated, every voice line recorded. They don't have to reshoot live footage and they have unlimited editing ability to change what is on screen. Nothing in an animated show is by accident(save for the rare arm clipping through a wall or something).

Beware, heavy spoilers beyond this point.

Here's why I think Bad Batch was supposed to be:

Project Necromancer

Sidious was having Dr. Hemlock look into the ability to clone a Force user and retain or even bolster the midichlorian count. Sidious, at this point, was entrusting the longevity of his Empire to the Death Star, and his own longevity to his Sith power. Sith traditionally kill their masters, and their master's soul possesses them(see Clone Wars and Rebels for more on this). It's a theory for another day, but I think Sidious tried creating Anakin with the Force, which didn't turn out, and as an old man running out of time, turned to cloning technology rather than find another disciple to possess. His next in line is a half busted up asthmatic death robot. Not such a good idea to use your Sith possession move.

Palpatine also stated "there is no greater importance to the survival of this Empire" and gave Hemlock unlimited funding. Might have gotten the quote slightly wrong, but the point stands - this ain't your daddy's cloning project.

So not only does this explain one of the most lambasted plot points in the sequels, in true Filoni fashion("somehow, Palpatine returned"), it all checks out. Previously in the Bad Batch the Empire destroyed Kamino and relocated the remainder to Hemlock's facility. Cloning was referred to in the sequels as "dark science, secrets only the Sith knew". Well, yeah. The Empire killed everyone else capable of cloning.

Omega is a force sensitive clone, which is confirmed during Season 3. She is the prototype to Rey, who was revealed to be a creation of Palpatine. My headcanon is Sidious created Anakin with the Force, but he was too much of a loose cannon. A clone with most of his DNA would be much safer.

So, as I predicted it:

the Zillo Beast

I'm really not sure about this, but I'm just going to point out that the Zillo is a perfect foil to Mandalorian's mythosaur. Zillo's bulletproof and only susceptible to electric shock, same as Mandalorians. Hmmmmm....

What they removed

So, here's my beef.

Project Necromancer was retconned out

Fennec was supposed to learn a bit more about honor

Hemlock was supposed to survive

Wrecker was supposed to die

Tech was going to be resurrected

I believe Tech was supposed to come back during the course of this season but ultimately die for real.

None of it makes any sense

Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm wrong. But the season finale of Bad Batch was uncharacteristically fast and loose and there were a lot of scenes that didn't show right, or didn't play out right, or should have been removed. I suspect there was a hurried last-minute rewrite of the entire finale, and it shows.

Thanks for reading all that.


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